In 1607, the University of Giessen was founded, and its name was Ludoviciana University, named after its founder, Marquis Ludwig V (Ludwig V, Ludoviciana is the Latin word for Ludwig). University of Giessen was then the northern center of his domain. Buy Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen degree online. Marburg, the seat of another university in the territory, switched to Calvinism, and Ludwig V, a Lutheran, urgently needed a new university as the spiritual center of Lutheranism. Thus Ludwig V established the University of Giessen.
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The disciplines when the university was founded included theology, law, medicine, and philosophy. Buy German Urkunde online. Inspired by the humanistic culture from the 17th to the 19th centuries, the University of Giessen began to prosper. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Giessen is the shining point of the University of Giessen. The University of Giessen has trained many famous medical experts: the famous German doctor Gregor Horstius; the founder of modern pharmacology Ludwig Buechner; but the most famous The inventor of X-rays was Nobel Prize winner Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen.
The majors of Giessen University cover traditional natural sciences, philosophy, law. Order Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Urkunde online. Economics, humanities and other fields. In particular, its level of medicine, veterinary medicine, agronomy and nutrition is very outstanding. And it provides Germany’s unique comprehensive disciplines in this field.