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How much to buy a Kurume University degree in Japan

Kurume University degree
Order Kurume University degree, 购买日本久留米大学学位记

Founded in 1946, Kurume University is a private university located in Kurume City, Kyushu Island, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Where to get a Kurume University degree online. The university’s history dates back to 1928, when its predecessor, Kyushu Medical School, was founded, but it was founded along with the founding of the Business School. Today, the University consists of 13 departments and 6 undergraduate departments, including literature, economics, business, law, and medicine.

There are five graduate schools of international cultural and social comparative studies, psychology, business. #Buy Kurume University diploma. Medicine, and professional law schools. It also includes the Institute of Foreign Language Education. The University is divided into two main campuses: the older Asahi-machi campus, located on the southern bank of the Chikugo River, and the Mii campus, located east of Kurume. Kulum University Beijing Education Exchange Center is located in Beijing, China. There are 21 research institutes, such as the International Institute of Cultural and Social Comparison, the Institute of Foreign Language Education, the Institute of Industrial Economics and the International Centre.

Kurum City also has two affiliated hospitals, a high school and a junior high school. 定制久留米大学学位记。 The freshman class of the Medical School consists of 115 students who study a six-year program. The School of Nursing enrolls approximately 110 students each year for four years. In total, Coolum University has nearly 7,000 undergraduate students and more than 300 graduate students. There are also nearly 50 students enrolled in the one-year and 18-month intensive Japanese language courses. Order Kyushu Institute of Technology degree, 九州工業大学学位记.


国際文化社会比較研究、心理学、ビジネス、医学、専門法の5つの大学院があります。外国語教育研究所も含まれます。大学は、筑後川の南岸にある古い旭町キャンパスと久留米の東にある三井キャンパスの2つのメインキャンパスに分かれています。久留米大学北京教育交流センターは、中国の北京にあります。国際文化社会比較研究所、外国語教育研究所、産業経済研究所、国際センターなど、21 の研究機関があります。

クルム市には、2 つの付属病院、高校、中学校もあります。 医学部の新入生は 115 人で、6 年間のプログラムを学びます。 看護学部は、毎年約 110 人の学生を 4 年間受け入れています。 全体として、クーラム大学には約 7,000 人の学部生と 300 人以上の大学院生がいます。 また、1 年間と 18 か月の集中日本語コースに約 50 人の学生が在籍しています。

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